Publication & CDS Directorate

Convenor, Publication & CDS Directorate
CA. (Dr.) Anuj Goyal



Term of Reference of Publication Directorate

To monitor effectiveness of Central Distribution System (CDS)

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  • CA. (Dr.) Anuj Goyal, Convenor
  • CA. Sushil Kumar Goyal, Deputy Convenor
  • CA. (Dr.) Rajkumar Satyanarayan Adukia
  • CA. Piyush S Chhajed
  • CA. Cotha S Srinivas
  • CA. (Dr.) Rohit Ruwatia
  • CA. Gyan Chandra Misra
  • CA. (Dr.) Sanjeev Kumar Singhal


Contact Us

  • Secretary to the Publication & CDS Directorate
    Sh. Ravi Parkash Mittal, Joint Secretary

    Phone +91-0120-3045943 / +91-0120-3045947
    Mob: 9289306999 / 07042436004
    Email-: cdsonline[at]icai[dot]in


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