• To formulate and implement plans, policies and actionable measures for empowerment of Women Members.
  • To visualise the future needs of the Women members entering the profession and to support them in gearing up for dynamic/challenging environment.
  • To conduct specialised courses, seminars, conferences subjects of relevance to the profession for capacity building of women members to enable them to compete & succeed in Global work environment.
  • To help the women members in meeting the evolving expectations of the society vis-à-vis required technical, professional and social skills.
  • To conduct Mentorship programs on relevant topics wherein Successful practitioners, CFOs, faculties from Management Institutions and Chamber of Commerce, Professional experts, Industry leaders, Academician will be invited to guide and mentor women members of the profession.
  • To explore and develop new professional avenues of practice/ employment/ entrepreneurship for Women Members.
  • To create opportunities for women members to train and excel in their respective interest areas of technical & nontechnical field.
  • To organise Trainings Programmes, Workshops, Short Term Courses, Seminars, Conferences, Podcasts/ Webcasts/ Webinars and Residential Course for women members.
  • To interact with various stakeholders in various sector, self-regulatory organizations and government on matters relating to growth and development of Women Members.
  • To create networking opportunity for women members by organising meetings at branch/regional level.
  • To select awardees in various categories through a meticulous nomination and jury process to recognize the Women Members in leadership and to motivate the women fraternity
  • To consider the ways and means to enhance the participation of the Women Members in the activities of the Institute.
  • To conceptualize and come out with various Publications /Quarterly e-newsletter to assist women members in upgrading their skills and learning technology. The same will also be beneficial in furthering the interest of the members in writing skills i.e research, planning and outlining, editing, revising, grammar etc
  • Updating and maintaining of existing dedicated portal of women members
  • Enhancing the Chartered Accountant brand globally by organizing International Women’s Conference
  • To deal with such other matter as the Council or the President or the Chairperson may consider appropriate

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