• To recommend to the Council the policies governing IT and Soft Skills training, Industrial training and extra co-curricular activities of the students undergoing Chartered Accountancy Course.
  • To provide and monitor high quality practical education to students of Chartered Accountancy Course by make use of available recourses for benefit of the students.
  • To take all possible steps on a continuous basis to motivate our students to be keen, dedicated and disciplined participants in the Institute's direct, correspondence and other coaching and educational programmes and processes.
  • To organize directly as well as indirectly various educational activities and programmes for the benefit of our students.
  • To enable students to acquire the latest technical skills using Information Technology in the areas such as Data Analytics, Block Chain, Artificial Intelligence, Robotics, Internet of things, Big Data etc.
  • To develop and enrich Personality, Leadership and Communication Skills of our students.
  • To upgrade the Soft Skills & IT Skills from time to time if required.
  • To award scholarships to Meritorious students, Differently Abled and Needy students.
  • To provide opportunities for networking with fellow students in India and abroad for sharing and learning through Student Conferences.
  • Disbursing grants to Regional Councils and Branches for Seminars, Student Conferences, Quiz, and Elocution contests, and other related student activities as well as extra-curricular activities.
  • Live/Physical classes for students.
  • To consider such other matters as the Council or the President may consider appropriate.
  • Industrial training, Mobile App, e-books, website, anything which is required for the enrichment of the students.
  • To provide need-based suggestion on requirement basis to Students Skills Enrichment Board, BoS (Operations) for grant of CPE hours (recommendatory/ mandatory) and /or Structured/Unstructured in physical/ Virtual Mode for various educational activities/programmes conducted for the benefit of Students, organized by Students Skills Enrichment Board, BOS (O).
  • To create, upgrade and refurbish IT & Soft Skill centres in addition to establishment of new reading rooms commensurating the requirements of the students on Pan India basis.
  • To enhance quality of the training imparted to the students by organizing regular Quality Improvement Programmes for faculties of IT and Soft Skill Courses.

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