• To identify, focus, explore, discuss and develop core competencies of the Accounting Profession in strategic & emerging areas in order to develop & broaden ICAI as a focused and vibrant accountancy Institute.
  • To devise strategic plans for the inclusive growth of the Accountancy Profession by encompassing and empowering the stakeholders in the process.
  • To act as a strategic planning and guiding unit to the core functions of ICAI and to strategise how to increase India’s and ICAI’s thought leadership internationally.
  • To act as a nodal point within the Institute for addressing the issues relating to development of accounting sector and addressing the “ Expectation Gap” for the betterment of the accounting profession.
  • To develop monitoring and evaluation processes with key measures in place for effective evaluation of various initiatives and actions of the Institute, and accordingly adapt the strategic process to better serve the profession.
  • To work with organizations globally to maintain and increase the relevance of ICAI in global context and continue to improve the international reputation and position of ICA India.

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