• To assist the WCOA 2022 Executive Committee in the smooth conduct of the event WCOA 2022.
  • To identify and recommend a suitable Professional Conference Organizer for event.
  • To explore agreements with hotels.
  • To explore tie-ups with airlines.
  • To appoint various consultants for work of WCOA 2022.
  • To work towards branding, promotion, specialized stationery, banners, etc. and through website app, social media and other media for WCOA 2022.
  • To explore and appoint various vendors for WCOA 2022.
  • To explore sponsorships for WCOA 2022.
  • To explore and finalise vendors for cultural, social and other programs.
  • To recommend fee to be charged from Indian delegates, foreign delegates both from developing as well as developed nations.
  • To prepare draft budget of WCOA 2022 for the consideration of the Council and the WCOA 2022 Executive Committee.
  • To form various committees, sub-committees, taskforce etc. in connection with WCOA 2022 and to pay for their expenses.
  • To approve all expenses relating to WCOA 2022.
  • To recommend the technical programs and speakers of WCOA 2022 for the consideration of the Executive Committee of WCOA 2022.
  • To perform any other function in connection with WCOA 2022 and any other task assigned by the WCOA 2022 Executive Committee and the Council from time to time.
  • To assist and finalise theme of WCOA 2022 for the consideration of the Executive Committee of WCOA 2022.
  • To assist in marketing & advertisement of WCOA 2022 and database management of all delegates, sponsors, speakers.
  • To assist in finalizing Insurance for all delegates and events.

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