Continuing Professional Education Committee
The Institute of Chartered Accountants of India
25th May, 2023

Submission of Self Declaration form for claiming CPE Hours under Unstructured Learning Activities for the Calendar Year 2022 - Latest by 31st May, 2023

Dear Member,

As per CPE guidelines the last date for complying with the Unstructured CPE Hours requirement for the Calendar Year 2022 is 31st May, 2023 for the block period 2020-2022.

The members who are yet to submit self-declaration form for claiming Unstructured Learning Activity for the Calendar year 2022 and for the block period of 2020-2022, are requested to kindly complete the same at the earliest and latest by 31st May, 2023 so they would not face any difficulty to complete the CPE hours requirements.

The CPE hours requirements to be complied with by various categories of members for the block period of three years (1.1.2020 to 31.12.2022) are available at

We may further inform you that the online updated status of CPE hours credits of respective member for the Calendar year 2022 and for the block period of 3 years is available on the URL: under member’s login as per the attendance uploaded by the CPE Programme Organising Units (POUs) on the CPE Portal as on date. For viewing the status, members may login with their existing password or default credentials as under :-

The User ID is Six Digit Membership Number Default password: cpe+6 digit membership number.

Members are requested to view their CPE hours status till date and in case of any discrepancy, they may contact the concerned Programme Organising Unit.

The members, who have completed their Unstructured CPE Hours but have not updated its details on the CPE Portal for Calendar year 2022, are requested to kindly claim the CPE Hours credit of unstructured learning online by login into your account on CPE Portal.

Hence, you are requested to submit your Self Declaration form upto 31st May, 2023 for the Calendar year 2022.

With best regards

CPE Committee of ICAI
CPE Committee of ICAI

Continuing Professional Education Committee
The Institute of Chartered Accountants of India,
‘ICAI Bhawan’
A-29, Sector - 62,
Noida - 201309 (Uttar Pradesh)
Telephone - 0120-3045957/981

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