Continuing Professional Education Committee
The Institute of Chartered Accountants of India
13th September, 2021

Requirement of 20 Structured CPE hours which is mandatory to be completed by Members below 60 years holding COP during each calendar year (including mandatory CPE hours on “Code of ethics” and “Standard on auditing”), can be completed either through Digital Learning Hub/VCMs or attending the physical cum virtual CPE event in online mode during Calendar Year 2021.

At present, as per CPE Guidelines available at , Out of 20 Structured CPE Hours which is mandatory to be completed by Members below 60 years holding COP, 6 Structured CPE Hours can be obtained in Virtual mode (including mandatory CPE hours on “Code of ethics” and “Standard on auditing”) either through Digital Learning Hub/VCMs or attending the physical cum virtual CPE event in online mode for Calendar year 2021.

Taking cognizance of the COVID-19 pandemic situation worldwide when public gathering is still restricted/not advisable, it has been decided to allow grant of 20 Structured CPE hours through online mode for the Calendar year 2021.

Accordingly, following may be noted for information and compliance by members, CPE POUs and other stakeholders:-

“Requirement of 20 Structured CPE hours which is mandatory to be completed by Members below 60 years holding COP during each calendar year (including mandatory CPE hours on “Code of ethics” and “Standard on auditing”), can be completed either through Digital Learning Hub/VCMs or attending the physical cum virtual CPE event in online mode during Calendar Year 2021. CPE hours obtained in online mode over and above 20 Structured CPE hours shall continue to be counted as Unstructured CPE Hours for compliance purpose. However, total Structured CPE hours obtained in physical mode (apart from online mode) shall continue to be counted as Structured CPE Hours as earlier.”

CPE Committee
The Institute of Chartered Accountants of India
A-29, Sector 62, NOIDA – 201309

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