Index of some useful articles taken from Periodicals received during December 2022 – January 2023 for the reference of Faculty/Students & Members of the Institute.

1. Accountancy

  • How accountants can save the world: We ask how accountants can use their superpowers to save the world – and the ten areas they should focus on by Peter Ellington. International Accountant, November/December 2022, pp.16-19.
  • Sustainability reporting and assurance by Deepa Agarwal. Bombay Chartered Accountant, December 2022, pp.33-38.

2. Audit

  • Ensuring accountability & transparency in MGNREGS: Status of action on social audit findings by C. Dheeraja, Papi Reddy Kanthala and Arif Mohd. Chartered Secretary, December 2022, pp.40-45.
  • Restoring trust in audit: Steve collings explains the importance of audit and how the profession is striving to improve levels of confidence in its findings by Steve Colings International Accountant, November/December 2022, pp.26-28.
  • Social auditing – a paradigm shift in wake of emerging corporate governance by S. Badri Narayanan and Garima Shahi. Chartered Secretary, December 2022, pp.55-58.
  • Will technology replace skilled auditors? by Nilanjan Paul. Bombay Chartered Accountant, December 2022, pp.19-22.

3. Economics

  • Anatomy of inflation’s ascent in India by Michael Debabrata Patra, Asish Thomas George, G V Nadhanael and Joice John. RBI Bulleting, December 2022, pp.79-96.
  • Import surge and domestic competitiveness: The case of Indian incense sticks industry by Tamanna Chatuurvedi. Economic & Political Weekly, December 24, 2022, pp.56-63.

4. Investment

  • Assessing efficacy of association rules for predicting global stock indices by J. Kaur and K. Dharni. Decision, vol.49, No.3, pp.329-339.

5. Management

  • Goal-boundary typology of nonprofit organizations: a proposal by N. Jammulamadaka. Decision, vol.49, No.3, pp.265-282.
  • How financial accounting screws up HR it distorts hiring, training, and benefits practices by Peter Cappelli. Harvard Business Review, January/February 2023, pp.39-44.
  • Knowing who your client really is: Verification, checks for suspicious activity and discrepancy reporting are all crucial steps in client due diligence, says by David Potts. International Accountant, November/December 2022, pp.22-25.

6. Taxation and Finance

  • GSTR 9 and 9C – Optional to mandatory reporting in FY 2021-22 by Ritesh Jain. Goods & Services Tax, vol.94, issue 09, pp.30-32. Recent developments in GST by G.G. Goyal and C.B. Thakar. Bombay Chartered Accountant, December 2022, pp.94-99.

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