Page 9 - A Position Paper on Regulation of Accountancy Profession and Oversight Mechanism in India
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                                                                                           Chapter 1

                        Evolution of Accountancy Profession in India

                   1.1     Birth of ICAI–Constituent Assembly deliberations                                          Evolution of Accountancy Profession in India

                           (i)    It is important to empathise that carte blanche of ubiquitous nature which is discernible
                                  for the Chartered Accountancy profession has been due to path of rectitude that the
                                  Chartered Accountancy profession has all through followed in its journey of support to
                                  Indian Industry, and Economy. It also in tandem with the consecrated ordainment that
                                  was fervidly put forth in the constituent Assembly debates; quoting from the History of
                                  the Accountancy Profession in India, Volume I, by Shri G. P. Kapadia:

                                  “No  profession  can  aspire  to  progress  unless  it  has  a  vision  and  sets  service  to  the
                                  community  as  its  objective.  It  has  also  to  be  free  from  restraints  and  allow  for  the
                                  economic advancement of its entire membership. Its resilience and practice to respond to
                                  the changing situation and growing demands on it will determine its continued existence
                                  and growth. Technical excellence in the performance of its functions and observance of
                                  the highest in professional ethics constitutes the foundation on which its future can be
                                  built up.”

                           (ii)      It  sums  up  the  expectation  and  the  roadmap  from  the  Chartered  Accountancy
                                  profession in all times to come. Equally apt is to point out the speech made by Shri C D
                                  Deshmukh, Hon’ble Finance Minister, Government of India at the 2nd Council Meeting
                                  of the Institute held on 11th August, 1951.(Source: History of Accountancy Profession–
                                  Volume I)

                                  The practice of accountancy is in the nature of a public service. Apart from the statutory
                                  responsibilities to report on the accounts to the shareholders, it is the duty of every
                                  member of the Institute to ensure that he fulfils the high ideals set before him amidst
                                  all the pressures and temptations of the day. I am glad to know from your address that
                                  you are fully alive to your responsibilities. It is only the watchful eyes of the members of
                                  your profession which can make any measures that Government may take to curb mal-
                                  practices in trade and business, really effective.

                                    You have referred to the moral standard of the accountancy profession. I welcome your
                                  assurance that the deterioration of standards in this profession is certainly not of that
                                  aggravated character which may be found elsewhere as a result of the war conditions. I
                                  trust you will not misunderstand me if I utter a word of warning against complacency in
                                  this respect. It is essential to be ceaselessly vigilant about this, all the more so because
                                  of the greatly enlarged sphere of your activities. The Institute of Chartered Accountants
                                  should continue to exercise unceasing vigilance in seeing that its members conform to
                                  the traditions and conventions of the profession and that the rules framed by them are

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