• To create mutually advantageous live connect between the ICAI and the Members in Entrepreneurship or Public Services by factoring their vision and perspective with an objective to enhance the efficacy of ICAI work program and to explore new avenues and opportunities for the Members of the Institute.
  • To maintain database of Members in Entrepreneurship and Public Services.
  • To promote Members intending to become Entrepreneurs or wishes to be in Public Service.
  • To interact with State Public Service commission, Union Public Service Commission and other concerned authorities with a view to provide necessary guidance and support to those members and students who wishes to be in Public Service.
  • To organize programs/events to facilitate interaction between the Members in Entrepreneurship and Public Services with the ICAI and its members for the overall benefit of the profession.
  • Solicit feedback and suggestions from the Members in Entrepreneurship and Members in Public Services for restructuring the Institute’s initiatives for facilitating its member’s penetration in these areas.
  • To consider the ways and means to enhance the participation of the Members in Entrepreneurship and Members in Public Services in the activities of the Institute.
  • Involving members in Public Service and Entrepreneurs for strengthening relationship with Members of Parliament/State legislatures/Ministries/Leading NGOs and other stakeholders

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