• To review the existing and emerging auditing practices worldwide and identify areas in which Standards on Quality Control and Engagement Standards need to be developed.

  • To formulate Engagement Standards and Standards on Quality Control so that these may be issued under the authority of the Council of the Institute.

  • To review the existing Standards to assess their relevance in the changed conditions and to undertake their revision, if necessary.

  • To develop Guidance Notes on issues arising out of any Standard, auditing issues pertaining to any specific industry or on generic issues, so that those may be issued under the authority of the Council of the Institute.

  • To review the existing Guidance Notes to assess their relevance in the changed circumstances and to undertake their revision, if necessary.

  • To formulate General Clarifications, where necessary, on issues arising from Standards.

  • To formulate and issue Technical Guides, Practice Manuals, Studies and other papers under its own authority for guidance of professional accountants in the cases felt appropriate by the Board.

  • To proactively participate with the national and international bodies engaged in the standard-setting process, such as, sending comments on various consultative papers such as Exposure Drafts, Discussion Papers etc., issued by the International Auditing and Assurance Standards Board and various other international bodies.

  • To recommend audit documentation/ automation tools / software, common portals and such other tools or portal to support professional accountants in conducting quality audits where the Board feels appropriate.

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