Election Cell
The Institute of Chartered Accountants of India
12th November, 2021
List of candidates and their respective particulars for election to the Council and Regional Councils to be held in December 2021.

In pursuance to sub-rule 3 of Rule 15 read with Schedule 5 to the Chartered Accountants (Election to the Council) Rules, 2006 and sub-regulation 10 of Regulation 134 of the Chartered Accountants Regulations, 1988, a list containing the particulars concerning the candidates for election to the 25th Council and 24th Regional Councils to be held in December 2021 has been prepared. This list contains information to the extent furnished by the respective candidates under sub-rule 4 of Rule 9 read with Schedule 4 to the said Rules. While the list pertaining to respective Council and Regional Council is under dispatch to the voters, a copy of the same is hereby published on the website for general information of members at large. To view the list, please click the link below

Particulars of candidates for Council from :

Particulars of candidates for Regional Council from :

12th November, 2021
[CA.(Dr.) Jai Kumar Batra]
Returning Officer and Acting Secretary

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