It is a mandatory requirement for the chartered accountancy students who have passed the Final Examination , partly or entirely under the new syllabus specified by the Council under Regulation 31 of the Chartered Accountants Regulations, 1988 to attend the Course on General Management and Communication Skills (GMCS ) under Regulations 51A/72A of the said Regulations, before applying for membership of the Institute. |
It is planned to collect information about the students of chartered accountancy course, who have passed final examination but could not complete GMCS course and thereby could not enroll as a member of the Institute. All such category of students are requested to provide following details latest by 30th June, 2006 to Ms. Aruna Bhosle, Assistant Director, Board of Studies , ICAI, C-1, Sector-1, NOIDA-201 301, Phone: 0120-3054827, preferably through e-mail or abhosle@ |
- Name:
- Registration No.:
- Contact Address:
- Phone :
- E-mail id:
- Date of passing CA final Examination (both groups):
- Name of city where you intend to attend GMCS Course
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