Committee on Public & Government Financial Management
The Institute of Chartered Accountants of India
19th September, 2023

Inviting expression of interest to contribute in the initiatives of CPGFM

Dear Professional Colleague,

Greetings from the Committee on Public and Government Financial Management (CPGFM) of the ICAI!!

The Committee strives to assist Central & State Governments and Local Bodies in successful implementation of accounting reforms and financial management. The Committee is also involved in sensitising the concerned officials and society at large about benefits of accounting reforms by organising various workshops/ training programmes, developing e-learning modules (available at from formulating Accounting Standards for Local Bodies (31 ASLBs issued till date that are available at, This is an initiative of ICAI to meet its social obligations by providing professional services of CAs beyond corporate sector and to the public at large, by being true to its role of being a partner in nation building.

The Committee is planning to organise Faculty Development Programme in order to increase its faculty base and provide a platform to new aspirants to contribute to various Committee's initiatives. Interested candidates may apply by filing Expression of Interest in the Google form,The last date for submission of the form is 30th September, 2023.

Thanking you,

Yours faithfully,
Chairman Vice-Chairman

Committee on Public and Government Financial Management
The Institute of Chartered Accountants of India
CP&GFM Secretariat: 0120-3045985
Committee Website: ,

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