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In this era of opening up of economies world wide and the term global village converting to a reality, the new trade order offers plethora of opportunities for professional service providers. Accounting being core to the domain of any business activity as a natural corollary has become an important player in the emerging developments. The GATS trade regime under WTO has made a provisioning for distribution channels in terms of rendering of services and each of the mode offers a distinct potential to the service provider. The current situation calls for an understanding of the markets wherein the service providers are exploring to make a niche segment. It is imperative that one needs to understand the local requirements and other domestic restrictions in place so that they themselves do not act as a restraint to execution of service contracts.

The Institute has been in touch with the various contact points as notified under WTO mechanism in different countries and is in the process of eliciting information on structure of rules and regulations and the various requirements of education, training and other conditions broadly guiding the supply of services in the respective countries. The responses as obtained from the WTO contact points from different countries would provide insight into the dynamics of these markets being an on going process.

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